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Women & Golf launch online golf store

Women & Golf has teamed up with specialist sports agency 6EZ Group to launch an online golf store with clothing and accessories for female golfers.
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The LGPA Tour is back in July – Bring it on!

The LPGA Tour announced that it will resume its 2020 season with back-to-back events in Northwest Ohio. Read More



Ask the Ref: Declaring a ball unplayable which turns out not to be yours

What happens if you declare a golf ball unplayable and then find out it wasn't yours in the first place? Women & Golf’s rules expert Sheila Waltham explains all.


Kenya: Golfing with Giraffes and Other Animals

Golf Travel expert Mary McDowall heads to Kenya for the first time and shares her experiences of combining golf and safari on a winter golf break


PING launch the G440 family

Delivering more speed and distance through engineering advancements, including its lowest CG ever in a driver, PING have introduced the G440 family 



Review: ProQuip Luna Quilt Gilet

Women & Golf Member Christine Hutchings reviews the ProQuip Luna Quilt Gilet

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