The game of golf – and particularly attracting more women to play – is hard enough without the added (and totally unnecessary) clubhouse politics. Naga Munchetty tells us more.
The game of golf – and particularly attracting more women to play – is hard enough without the added (and totally unnecessary) clubhouse politics.
By Charlotte Ibbetson and Naga Munchetty
It would be easy to argue that women's sport, in general, is going through somewhat of a moment right now, and we're slowly but surely starting to see the gender gap close. But as empowered as we're all starting to feel, golf can't seem to totally shake off this Mean Girls act, where one false move could see you banished to another table in the school canteen, sorry, clubhouse. It's as though bitchiness has been etched into those ancient championship boards, slowly fading but still there, dating back to times long ago.
The phrase "when women support each other, incredible things happen" could not be truer – or more important – for women's golf. As individuals we have power, but together we'll make an impact; we'll change the false stereotypes surrounding the game and we will see more women and girls start to play. It's the power of the pack.
In the next edition of Women & Golf, columnist Naga Munchetty challenges the issue of golf club bitchiness head-on. Here's a snippet of what she had to say ...
For goodness sake! What is going on? We are no longer at school. We choose to play in a ladies’ section for good golf, company and some relaxation. When did it become compulsory for us to have to be part of cliques and to conform to some imaginary social code in order to fit in? I’ve been hearing about Mean Girl type behaviour and “bitchy” emails circulating and friendships (or so my two friends thought) being withdrawn at the drop of a hat. They are hurt and as a result feel there is no going back as it’s been made clear to them that they are not welcome anymore. As their friend, it is so sad to see them go
through this pain.
Ladies, it’s difficult enough to attract new female members to golf clubs, let us not perpetuate the myths of snooty ladies who lunch and golf. Behave yourselves!
There is a reason the phrase “female solidarity” exists ...
Read Naga Munchetty’s full article in the latest issue of Women & Golf magazine, on sale now. Click here to subscribe and get W&G delivered to your door.