From their looks and success to date, it’s difficult to separate Samantha and Annabell Fuller, but these golfing siblings are definitely two players to watch.

Sister Act Samantha And Annabell Fuller

From their looks and success to date, it’s difficult to separate Samantha and Annabell Fuller, but these golfing siblings are definitely two players to watch.

As the next edition of Women & Golf has hit the shelves, here’s a sneak preview of what you can expect from columnist Lewine Mair’s interview with Sisters, Samantha and Annabell Fuller this month.

Ashley Fuller, an LTA Level 5 Master Performance Coach who has worked for 17 years as a professional tennis coach at the Roehampton Club, will tell you that the money he has spent on his two daughters’ golf would have bought him a house. And here we are talking about a house in Kingston-upon-Thames.

Intriguingly, he and his wife Oshi, also a tennis coach, are more interested in building their daughter’s (Samantha and Annabell) golfing careers than anything else, with each year’s haul of results the equivalent of another layer in the brick-work.

From the start, Ashley and Oshi decided on a “go-for-broke” approach, doing as Gerry McIlroy did with Rory in giving their offspring a round-the-world schedule. At the moment, for example, they are getting together the £5,000 or so it will cost for Annabell to play in this year’s US Amateur championship. (She reached the last 16 in 2018 and only lost that match when her opponent struck a 3-wood to within a few inches of the hole at the 19th.

“Everything we have, we’ve put into golf,” said Ashley. “It’s tough when I’m not exactly making a fortune as a tennis coach, but we all love it and we’ll carry on doing everything we can to give both girls the best chance.”

A question. Do the girls appreciate what’s being done for them?

“They couldn’t be more grateful,” said Ashley. “They know how much we’ve done for them and they, in turn, work incredibly hard. They’re very well-rounded, very well-behaved.”

We have listed just some of Sam’s and Annabell’s extraordinary haul of results on these pages, whilst a very special result came Annabell’s away shortly after Christmas. 

This is just a snippet of  Samantha and Annabell Fuller's full interview in the latest issue of Women & Golf magazine. You can pick up Women & Golf, on sale NOW, or click here to subscribe now to read the full feature and enjoy W&G delivered to your door!


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