The Sunday Times and Sky Sports have just launched their prestigious Sportswomen of the Year 2013 Awards. We think the Solheim Cup Team deserve Team of the Year... Vote today!
The Awards - now in their 26th year - celebrate the outstanding contribution to sport made by elite performers, coaches, administrators, community volunteers and inspirational female figures.
The Awards categories are:
The Sunday Times and Sky Sports Sportswoman of the Year - The ultimate accolade for your favourite sportswoman of 2013
Young Sportswoman of the Year - Nominees must be 21 or younger on 1 January 2013
Team of the Year - Celebrating the achievements of Britain’s successful collective efforts
Disability Sports Person of the Year - The outstanding figure within a disability sport
Community Award - For individuals who have actively engaged with different groups of women within their community through sport
Lifetime Achievement Award - Recognising a lifetime of sporting success
The Helen Rollason Award for Inspiration - Recognising inspirational endeavour in honour of the late sports presenter Helen Rollason
Over the next five weeks, you are invited to submit nominations for the seven categories at
The on-line nomination process will close at midnight on Monday, November 4, 2013. Judging will take place thereafter, with a star-studded award ceremony planned at Sky Sports’ studio on Thursday, December 5, 2013.
Anyone who nominates is in with a chance of winning a pair of tickets to attend the Awards show at Sky Sports’ studios on 5 December. Nominators will need to be ready to supply their name, contact details, email address and date of birth, together with the names of those they would like to enter for the awards.
The Sportswomen of the Year Awards are also supported by the Sport and Recreation Alliance, UK Sport, Sport England and the Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation.