The R&A and the USGA have recently launched a global online questionnaire that is calling on golfers to share their thoughts and views about the role of distance in golf.
The R&A and the USGA have recently launched a global online questionnaire that is calling on golfers to share their thoughts and views about the role of distance in the game of golf.
The questionnaire forms an integral part of the Distance Insights project which commenced in May- a comprehensive study of distance in golf (i.e. how far shots travel).
The detailed questionnaire is open to all golfers until 31 October 2018 and is available in ten languages.
Each person who takes the survey will be asked a series of universal questions, including:
-What do you think makes golf most interesting to watch?
-Do you think recreational golfers are hitting shots further than they did five years ago?
-Do you think elite / professional golfers are hitting shots further than they did five years ago?
-What do you think should be most important to success in the game of golf?
Participants who express interest while taking the survey may be invited to take part in follow-up telephone interviews or online group conversations to gather deeper perspectives on the topic. While individual responses will be confidential, anonymised global survey results will be published in the final Distance Insights project report, to be delivered in 2019.
Administered independently by Sports Marketing Surveys Inc., the questionnaire and more information can be found at: