Seven-year-old Estephania Murungi won the Drive, Chip, and Putt competition held at Toro Club in Uganda, Africa.
Murungi, from the Glory to Glory Education Centre, only joined the Afriyea Golf Academy six months ago. But that didn’t stop her from bringing her A-game to finish ahead of 17 young players in the tournament.
She outplayed her closest rival, Ainomugisha Labason, a four-year-old from St. Charles Lwanga Top Class, and Princess Zebiah Akello, who is seven years old and daughter of Jonah Kirya from Early Bird Nursery School.
Murungi’s dad, Don Murungi, shared that he has had a very busy period preparing his daughter, driving her to training at the Afriyea Golf Academy at Toro Club every morning and waiting for her to play and return.
"I have three children in the academy, and I couldn’t be prouder to see how golf has boosted their confidence. Their overall organisation is something special they’ve learned from the academy. I believe they are just playing now, but I want to encourage and support them to play professional golf."
Estephania said, "I am so happy to win my first tournament and I will work hard to play more tournaments. I didn’t know that I had won until the time of the prize-giving because my fellows played good drives and putts too, and the competition was high. I am happy that I have turned my putting into a strong aspect of my game."
Points were awarded to the participants in the Drive, Chip, and Putt category, with overall winner Estephania Murungi scoring 9/10 points.
Afriyea Golf Academy's junior camp
The junior golf camp is a comprehensive four-week programme organised by the Afriyea Golf Academy. It is held at Toro Club in Uganda, Africa. Aside from learning to play golf, the programme teaches them important life skills and educates them on environmental and sustainability issues. It also provides a break from the pressures of academics, offering children space to learn new things, make new friends, and connect with nature while developing social skills.
Throughout the camp, participants receive training tailored to their age and skill level, culminating in a tournament which features various categories, including 18 holes, nine holes, three holes, and a chip-and-putt competition.
Professional golfer and Afriyea Golf Academy coach Happy Robert emphasised the developmental benefits of golf for children, highlighting the sport’s role in teaching integrity, social skills, and other valuable life lessons.

Isaiah Mwesige, CEO of Afriyea Golf Academy, praised the programme for bringing together children from diverse backgrounds, providing them with direction for their future careers, and instilling essential values and sustainability practices. "Golf teaches a lot of transferable skills, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to positively impacting young people’s lives," he stated.
Tournament results
Drive, Chip and Putt
Winner: Estephania Murungi, 7 years old
Runner-up: Ainomugisha Labason, 4 years old
Third place: Princess Zebiah Akello, 7 years old
18-hole winners:
Winner: Thaddeus Byaruhanga, 13 years with 67 net
Runner-up:Byaruhanga Justus, 16 years with 68 net
Third place: Kirungi Richard, 16 years with 70 net
Nine-hole winners:
Winner: Marunga Jasmine, 12 years with 50 C/B gross
Runner-up: Kamanzi Elija, 13 years with 50 gross
Third place: Kabajuma Joyce, 11 years with 52 gross
Three-hole winners:
Winner: Musoni Nathan, 7 years, 23 gross (playing forward tees on a par 5, 4, 3
Runner-up 3 Holes: Musigyizi Alvin, 10 years, 24 gross (playing forward tees on a par 5, 4, 3
Third place: Fahad Muhammad, 27 gross (playing forward tees on a par 5, 4, 3
Most improved player:
Kasiime Violet
Smartest player in four weeks:
Ra nia Emmanuella Youngman