Kenwick Park Ladies Golf Club voted overwhelmingly to change their name to Kenwick Park Women last month in a huge step towards creating a more modern and inclusive club.

Kenwick Park Women

On the 19th June 2018, Kenwick Park Ladies Golf Club voted overwhelmingly to change their name to Kenwick Park Women. This groundbreaking decision was taken as part of a long term commitment to creating an equal club where men and women would share the same rights and opportunities, fees and tee times, and where women and girls wanting to join the club would find a welcoming and participative reception.

The vote is more than just a name change, it is an attempt for the Club to modernise its image and align itself to the approach taken by England Golf when they speak of females, to recognise the trend in women's sport generally from ladies to women, to bring them-selves in line with men's golf (as opposed to Gentlemen's golf which died a death years ago) and to shrug off the baggage that the word 'ladies' brings with it in the hope of portraying a more accepting and inclusive attitude to its members/prospective members.

Tracey Stobart - Member of Kenwick Park Women & Chair of Lincolnshire Ladies County Golf Association (LLCGA) was involved in a sub-committee at Kenwick which took on the job of reviewing the Constitution following the 2017 AGM. She explained that a small group of 3 were tasked with undertaking a Constitution review and the idea of a name change continued to be raised. Discussions followed, ideas were tested with members until eventually the committee communicated their thoughts in a new, draft Constitution to all members with a full explanatory document stating changes they wished to see, and why, including a change to their name.


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Positivity was such that the Kenwick Park Ladies Committee held an extraordinary general meeting to ask the question of all ladies. They certainly expected a healthy discussion and possible knock back.

Female members turned out to vote, 50% of the membership attended the meeting and a number of members who wanted to vote but could not attend asked to send in their vote through others, unfortunately the decision had been taken that voting was only allowed at the meeting in person. Of the 40+ members in attendance over 80% voted in favour. The women were positively surprised and delighted.

Going forward Tracey explained they wanted to achieve a more neutral club in the hope of attracting more women and girls to the game and to Kenwick Park. Next steps would be full committee decisions establishing what they would change and what would remain, aligned to this decision. Tracey is keen to point out that the word Ladies in their vocabulary will not disappear and they have no wish to promote negative aspects of the word, rather their intent is to promote the positive side of women in sport and especially golf.

“Women just feels more modern” says Tracey.

Tracey is also a member of the Junior Committee and is keen to support girls and ensure we present a modern image of the game to young females.

Part of the history of the Club is the Lady Captain’s Rose Bowl, donated by the first Lady Captain and that will not change.

Kenwick Park Golf Club was formed 26 years ago and opened on the basis that they would shrug off sexism in golf, at that time establishing equal opportunities for women which included ladies being allowed to play anytime, any day, and with equal fees for men and women. This club clearly has always been at the forefront of equality between sexes and as Tracey said,

“We have been chipping away at issues for a long time and had great dialogue with our Club Chairman which has always kept us moving towards a more equal status for men and women”.

The launch of the R&As Women in Golf Charter could not be more appropriate to a group of women than those at Kenwick Park. Possibly the first club in the UK to adopt this change.


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