It might still be winter but it’s never too soon to start thinking about your skin! Here are three great skincare tips to help you to look fresh and rejuvenated.

It might still be winter but it’s never too soon to start thinking about your skin! Here are three great skincare tips to help you to look fresh and rejuvenated.

1. Remove Dead Skin Cells

Use gentle, natural exfoliants 1-2 times per week for both the face and the body. Don’t forget elbows, knees and heels. Always try to avoid using harsh scratchy scrubs as they might do more harm than good to your sensitive winter skin. Proper exfoliation removes the dead skin cells that clog the skin and uncovers fresh new cells. This enables moisturising products to penetrate more deeply into the skin, making them more effective. A regular exfoliating routine will leave your skin looking fresh, healthy and more radiant.

2. The Right Amount of Moisturiser

Excessive moisturising may lead to an over-production of natural oils, clogged pores, blemishes and a shiny complexion. Moisturising twice per day should be enough. A good time to moisturise is after a shower or bath while the skin is still damp and more permeable, and after washing your hands or face. PAR Skincare offers exceptional moisturising properties. Combined with its Edelweiss stem-cell ingredients PAR will help to maintain the skin’s vitality and healthy appearance.

3. Bump Up Your Vitamins

A diet rich in Vitamins A, E, C and K is extremely benificial especially for springtime skin and will contribute to a brighter, rejuvinated complexation. An increased intake of antioxidants will protect your skin from free radicals. Free radicals cause skin damage and, over time, contribute to ageing skin by destroying collagen. The less collagen in your skin, the more wrinkles! Use PAR Skincare anti-ageing products to rejuvenate your skin and protect your skin from the sun that can also destroy collagen.

These tips were provided by the PAR Skincare team