Here are a few exercises based around the demands of the golf swing, and if completed regularly they will help you to continue to play golf for many years to come.

As we get older the body naturally becomes less mobile and dynamic movements become trickier. Here are a few exercises based around the demands of the golf swing, and if completed regularly they will help you to continue to play golf for many years to come.
With Becky Scott
This stretch is brilliant for improving rotation in your upper back. Begin on your hands and knees with a neutral spine. Take your right hand under your left arm as far away from you as you can. From here, slowly lower your right shoulder down to the ground and feel the stretch all through your back. Hold for 15 seconds, swap on to your left side and repeat three times.
Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart, soft but not hinged knees and roll your shoulders backwards.
Keeping your shoulders and knees in this position, hinge from your hips to lower your hands as far as is comfortable. Return back to standing tall by using your glutes and back muscles to pull you back upright. Repeat 15 times.
This exercise will help to develop strength down the side of your body and in turn will improve rotational movement when taking a backswing.
Sit either on a chair or on the ground, feet in front of you and knees together. Rotate your hands to one side as far as you can whilst following with your eyes to make sure the shoulders rotate as well. Rotate back and forth and repeat 15 times each side.
Here's another exercise to help develop more core strength and hip mobility. Lay on your back with your head, shoulders and lower back on the ground. Begin with both feet up in the air. Slowly lower your right leg as far as you can, keeping it as straight as possible. Pause for a second and then raise back up to the beginning. Repeat with your left leg, again keeping it as straight as possible. Repeat 8 times with each leg.
To really boost your golf game through exercise, contact Becky Scott via
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