The hybrid chip shot can be a lifesaver- somewhere between a chip and a putt and especially useful if you've got a lot of green to work with. Here's exactly how to play the shot.
The hybrid chip shot can be a lifesaver- somewhere between a chip and a putt and especially useful if you've got a lot of green to work with. Here's exactly how to play the shot.
Very similar to a putt, the way to play a hybrid chip shot is actually relatively simple; a pendulum, back-and-through stroke, keeping your wrists firm. The shot is perfect if you have a small length of fringe to fly over and a lot of green to cover before you reach the hole.
The hybrid chip shot could be the most valuable shot in your bag, and here's exactly how to play it with Lauren Blease, Assistant PGA Professional at Foxhills Resort and Women & Golf instructor.
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