MIND GAME: Often when we are winning it can cause more pressure and stress than if we are playing badly. Keeping it together on the greens is key to winning and seeing your handicap tumble.

Often when we are winning it can cause more pressure and stress than if we are playing badly. Keeping it together on the greens where the money is made is key to winning and seeing your handicap tumble.

Putting is a major angst for many golfers of all standards usually because we put such importance on our results on the green that our stress levels rise accordingly. Of course the results are important but these will be better if you are in control instead of the green controlling you. Our two main fears are of winning or losing and sometimes we are not sure which category we are in. If winning looks like becoming a reality it can be quite frightening and cause panic.

Remember that golf is a game to be enjoyed, not worried excessively about. Instead of stress becoming a negative drain it can be converted into positive useful energy. Often along the way we lose our sense of fun but remember that golf is to be enjoyed. Tell yourself how pleased you are, wherever your ball is, to take the shot. It beats being in the office any day. If it’s an easy shot, fine and if it is more of a challenge, then that too is fine because if you didn’t enjoy a challenge you wouldn’t be playing golf in the first place!

  • Before each putt imagine exactly what you want to happen and practise seeing in your mind’s eye a line from the ball into the hole. Make it as clear as you can - as if it is actually painted on the green
  • Save your energy for being positive and to praise yourself. Don’t waste it on self-criticism or linger over poor shots.
  • Develop a pre-shot routine to use before you hit the ball to create calmness and focus.
