It’s all very well practising from a perfect lie every time, however golf courses are not flat, so being able to play shots from a variety of lies will greatly improve your score.


It’s all very well practising from a perfect lie every time, however golf courses are not flat, so being able to play shots from a variety of lies will greatly improve your scores and confidence. Here are a few tips on how to play from those sloping lies.


When the ball is below your feet your swing is more upright. The clubface tends to point right of the target at impact, which turns the shot left to right. The first thing you need to do is to stand closer to the ball. 


Secondly, bend your knees to lower yourself to the ball (as above). With the bottom of the arc occurring later in the swing, move the ball forward in your stance to give your clubface time to square up.


When the ball is above your feet you’re forced to swing flatter and around your body. This results in the shot flying left of target with a tendency to hook the ball.

Grip down the club to counteract the fact the ball is closer to your body (see below). By doing this you will also need to take one more club. Try moving the ball back in your stance, as you’ll reach the ball sooner when it is above your feet.


Side Hill Lies

On an uphill lie the ball is higher than your back foot but lower than your front. The slope acts as a launching pad adding height to the ball (see the club across my shoulders). Therefore, if you have a 7-iron distance, a 6-iron will fly a similar distance as there is more loft.


When your back foot is higher than your front the ball will fly lower. Keep your shoulders parallel with the slope and use a more lofted club. The trajectory of the ball will fly lower so by adding loft it will keep the ball high and also carry a good distance. Remember to stay down on the ball through impact as it is natural to try and lift the ball.

Instruction by Samantha Head.

Samantha Head is wearing clothes from Rohnisch, one of the leading brands stocked by Golfing Lady Online.

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