As Lynn McCool explains the key to consistency and length off the tee is to ensure that the right parts of your body move at the correct time and then repeated.


As Lynn McCool explains the key to consistency and length off the tee is to ensure that the right parts of your body move at the correct time and the same movement can be repeated over and over again.

During the downswing with a driver your hips will be a great source of power behind your shots if they move in the right direction. Should your hips be prevented in any way from rotating through, then the hands and arms take total control of the swing and the full extension of the swing will be lost.

At the end of every practice shot you hit at the driving range, hold your finish for a minimum of 6 seconds and check the position of your hips. Right pocket over left is a completed hip turn.

If your right hip has stayed back then you need to find the root of the problem. It is a possibility there could be something wrong with your set-up and not your swing. Don’t encourage the hips through until you find the root of why they are not uncoiling to a complete fi nish. Once corrected you will no doubt gain extra length off the tee.

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