Struggling with your short game and fed up with throwing shots away around the green? We suggest some easy drills to help you get the ball consistently close.


Struggling with your short game and fed up with throwing shots away around the green? Do you perform like a tour pro on the practice ground and then fail to repeat this performance in the monthly medal? Try varying where you practise - here is a plan of action to fix your short game and knock shots off that handicap.

Par 18

On a quiet hole, and if your golf club allows you to do so, throw 9 balls around the green. Chip and putt out. You should be aiming for no more than a score of 3 on every ball. Make a scorecard for this drill - print a few off and keep them as a record of your progress. If you’re playing against someone else, introduce a tournament. Set a budget and the loser buys the prize each time you get out there.

Par 2S

Practise with different clubs from the same spot to see what works best for you. It won’t always be the chip and run that gets you closest. If you’re confident with your sand wedge, this may work for you more often. Make an effort to get out of your comfort zone and try other clubs.

Happy Landing

Place a towel on the green and then hit three balls from different distances. Aim to land each ball on the towel on its first bounce – this drill will help to improve distance control.

Instruction by Katie Dawkins. 

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