Welcome to the beta version of the new Women & Golf website. Our web monkeys are still hard at work and welcome your feedback.
Otley Golf Club is a vibrant thriving members club providing plenty of opportunities for men, women and juniors to play both social and competitive golf. We also run a busy social programme which augments the playing of golf. This includes a monthly quiz during the winter, mixed social golf with a very informal 9 & Dine usually on a week day evening during the summer months and on most Bank Holiday weekends we offer a mixed or Team event playing golf followed by an informal meal afterwards. We have weekly competitions for all member categories on a Saturday or a Tuesday and a mid week club competition on a Wednesday. The Finals of our Trophy Competitions takes place over a weekend in early September and the end of season culminates in an informal Prize Presentation Evening to celebrate the golfing season.
We are members of the Yorkshire Union, have inter club matches within the Harrogate Union and Yorkshire Ladies County Association as well as friendly matches with other clubs . The juniors have dedicated coaching sessions generally on a Sunday afternoon and also play matches against Harrogate Union clubs.
We welcome all players from beginners to a high standard and have various types of membership packages available.
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