In this episode, Emma challenges Heather to help her style up a pair of white capri trousers that she has only worn once

Welcome to a new golf fashion series with GolfGarb. Over the coming weeks, we’ll tackle some of GolfGarb’s most asked questions from women golfers, give tips for buying golf clothing online and provide inspiration to update items you may already have in your wardrobe.

In today’s episode, I've brought along an item from my wardrobe which has been relegated to rarely or never worn and I am challenging Heather from GolfGarb to update the look.

I've brought along a pair of white capri trousers from Puma which I was given as part of my 40 by 40 challenge last year. It took me 11 months to actually get round to wearing them as I always worry about making them dirty, vpl issues and what happens when it rains?!

Watch the video to see Heather explaining how to wear white bottoms, so that we can feel more comfortable and she pairs the white capris with a gorgeous top from Daily Sports. It's definitely my favourite outfit combination so far.

Watch Episode six of Golf Fashion Insights with GolfGarb

Hopefully, that has given you some inspiration for an item of golf clothing you may have in your wardrobe. I can highly recommend speaking to Heather or one of the team at GolfGarb if you have a golf fashion quandary that you need sorting out. Their expertise and insights across a large number of women's golf brands are really invaluable.

In the next episode, we’re talking about knees. Yes, we know as the weather heats up, the legwear can get shorter but some women just don’t feel comfortable showing their knees but equally don’t want a tan line across their calves. What options do these golfers have?

If you have any questions about golf clothing, then do not hesitate to contact GolfGarb who will be happy to help - [email protected]

Thank you to Henry Terry @henryoncamera from Enahgy for recording and editing the series.

Did you miss Episode 5 of Golf Fashion Insights with GolfGarb? View it here.

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